Less than 24 hours after my marathon I was already thinking about what comes next. I know it sounds crazy, right?
Koriann, take some time to relax and enjoy the moment!
Trust me, I do. But I live from the endorphin rush. There’s this incredible feeling after crushing a goal that just makes me want to do it again. So I started dreaming again.
But this is not about me. I want to reach the person that’s holding back.
I know that you probably already know this, but goals give a positive purpose. I can’t tell you how many people I talk to are just running the hamster wheel of life. There’s a routine in place that keeps complacency at the forefront. Routine is good. Maintaining the status quo is okay, but there’s so much more out there for us than just that.
Haven’t you heard that voice stirring in you?
I want to lose 20 pounds
I want a job that brings me joy
I want to read 10 books this year
I want to learn how to swim
I want to pay off my credit card
The problem is that there’s no period. Did you catch that? That’s because most of us add a BUT followed an excuse, right? We dismiss it.
I want to lose 20 pounds, but……
I want a job that brings me joy, but…..
Am I right?
Do you see yourself somewhere in here? If not, fill in the blank, but PLEASE ditch the excuse.
What is it that you want? What it is that your mind wanders to when lost in thought that makes you smile? It’s wandering there for a reason. You want it. But fear has held you back far too long.
This dream is more than that. It’s the desire of your heart.
It needs to turn into a goal.
Can you do me a favor? Say it aloud, and say it with intention. Acknowledge it.
For out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks.” Matthew 12:34
Let’s make it REAL! Get intentional. When you speak it, it comes into existence. It begins to manifest.
But let’s keep it going…..
So do me another favor: Write it down. Below your goal, write down why you want this. What benefits will it bring to your life? What will you gain?
Okay- just one final favor to ask. And this is REALLY important.
Visualize your life having met this goal.
Isn’t it amazing? Don’t you just smile when you see your achievement? Don’t you feel like you can do anything?
There is SO much more I could say about goals. This blog is FAR short of the 10 pages I could write, but I wanted to at least dip my toe in the water right now on this subject.
What your heart desires is very possible. As I have always said, the only person holding you back is YOU.
Dip your toe in. See what it feels like. And when you’re ready, dive in the deep end like me.
You’re going to love the rush.