Regardless of whether you call it soda (nope!) or pop (yup), I’m hoping this graphic might add a bit of perspective.
So seriously, why are you consuming 22 packets of sugar?
Instant gratification.
But that’s where it stops and all hell breaks loose in your body. After it goes down the hatch, the party in your mouth is over giving way to the chaos that erupts as your body tries to regulate all of the sugar.
Do I need to mention high blood sugar, obesity, AND diabetes? That’s just the beginning.
And if you do your own research, you will find that not drinking that ONE can of soda pop each day can drop you by 10-15 pounds in a year!! That’s if you are ONLY drinking one can a day. ONE.
And let’s be clear that diet is no better. The toxic chemicals in these cans have led me to coin it “diet death” as I am sure many others do.
There are so many other healthy options out there.
You don’t have to believe me. Do your own research. But please find a beverage that is healthy and hydrates.