Okay, maybe hate is a bit too strong.
I sincerely dislike it. That’s more like it.
The simple answer is that I find it an overwhelming time-suck. And honestly, every time I take the time and put in the effort, something changes. Then II end up not even cooking the meals I planned so hard for and was mildly excited about. In the end, I got frustrated and gave up.
Look, I give people a lot of credit who do this every week. More power to you! And if it brings you joy, go for it.
But for those of you who are like me and just don’t find it worthy of your time, let me know just share a workaround that takes the headache out of all of it.
When you’re on my program, 90% of your food is covered through your shipment. So in essence, you only have one meal to plan for. I think you can handle that, right?
What’s my hack?
I simply buy a variety of proteins and vegetables. I don’t overthink it. When I get to the store, I scope out what’s available – and fresh. I pick out about 5 proteins and usually 6 vegetables for my week.
It might look a little something like this:
- Vegetables
- Fish
- Chicken
- Pork
- Ground Turkey
- (2) Mini-Sliders
- Peppers
- Salad
- Green Beans
- Broccoli
- Cauliflower
- Cabbage
Get it?
When dinner rolls around, I pick the meat and pair it with a vegetable. It’s that simple. Why do we need to get fancy?
Restaurants are for fancy. And once you get more comfortable, you can branch out and elevate your ingredients. But I think we spend way too much time obsessing over all of the things we think we need to make a meal. We get stressed out, give up, and then hit the fast-food joint on the way home or call in for a pizza.
Look, I know my list may not excite you. But have you tried it? I’m challenging you. Go to the store and pick out some lean meats, a variety of low-carb vegetables, and some spices. Give it a few weeks and see if this doesn’t lessen the burden just a bit:)