Heart Physics is not a program I had heard of. I would venture to guess that you haven’t heard of it either. But what you have heard of is “life coaching.”
Now, let’s be real. It might seem like a buzzword, or maybe something on the trendy side that sounds a bit woo-woo, right?
Totally fair.
Woo-woo or not, what if it works?
I, myself, have been through counseling, cognitive behavior therapy, taken the pills, AND seen a life coach. There’s a distinct difference.
So what’s different about a life coach? Simply put, a life coach offers counsel and encourages others on issues having to do with careers and/or personal challenges. I provide a path. You have to take it, do the work, giving it all you have. That’s pretty much what any coach does, right? Hopefully, it doesn’t sound so woo-woo now.
So let me take a step back and say that I’ve been searching for a way to help others in their walk through life from a Christian standpoint for quite some time. I’ve looked at several programs and spent some time researching. I mean, honestly, everything looks good on a well-designed website, right? But nothing FELT right.
Since I knew this was my calling, I reached out to the one place that knows all about callings – my church. I asked – Who do you know? Who can I talk to? What resources do you have?
And guess what? They just happened to know a Christian life coach.
Really? In this small town??? Yes!
Within a couple of weeks, I had a meeting set up. I had never been so eager to finally meet someone who had the answer to my long-awaited prayers. After meeting with her, it was clear I had found exactly what I was looking for.
I FINALLY found it! – Heart Physics.
So now the true test begins.
How does the program work? What does it look like? Am I going to transform?
There’s only one way to find out.
Because let me tell you. I certainly cannot walk with someone through their journey, if I have not walked it myself.
So stayed tuned. Week 1 is coming soon.